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Friday, April 27th 2007, 1:32pm

Faren heit vs celcius

I am running Mepis 6.5 and the kweather on the toolbar has temps all recorded in celcius. In mepis 6.0 they were in Fahrenheit. Is there a way to change to Fahrenheit again? ?( ?(


Saturday, April 28th 2007, 9:40am

RE: Faren heit vs celcius

After reading your thread, I realized that I too suffer from lack of Farenheit units in kweather. I wasn't able to find a way to change this directly through the kweather configuration panel, but I found a way to di it in kcontrol.

I went to the Control Center and selected: Regional and Accessibility-->Country/Region & Language-->Other. I changed "Metric" to "Imperial" (and fixed my paper size, too). I then had to do some funky stuff with kweather after that (removing and re-adding all my weather stations), but probably logging out and back in would have worked just as well.

Kweather is using Farenheit for me now!

I use Gentoo, but probably Mepis is close enough that this should work.

Good luck!


Saturday, April 28th 2007, 1:02pm

That's how I finally got it too

I had some help from someone on another board who took me through the same steps you described and changed the setting to Fahrenheit. ;) There are so many things that can be done on here that it will take me along time to get familiar with them.
