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  • "CombatWolf" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Miami, FL.

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Friday, April 20th 2007, 7:10pm

superkaramba problem.

any way to fix this? when i load a theme, it loads but isn't visible at all. i can drag the theme around my desktop and it retains the image of where it was, or if i move a window over it and move the window away from it, it retains the image of the window. here's a pic.

any way to fix this?


Friday, April 20th 2007, 9:10pm

looks like you're using superkaramba in a gnome desktop.
dunno if superkaramba is suitable for gnome.
You could try the gnome equivalent of superkaramba (gdesklets)
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  • "CombatWolf" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Miami, FL.

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Saturday, April 21st 2007, 5:33am

omg i feel dumb lol. thank you. im still kinda fresh to linux, as you can see. =P