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Wednesday, March 14th 2007, 10:51am

KDE 3.5 + XGL don't keep configuration

Hi i just upgrade to kde 3.5 with XGL on my fedora cor 5.
When i go to the KDE configuration, i change the number of desktop and when i pu apply then i go to an other page than i come back to the multiple desktop, i still have 1 desktop :(
Any1 have an idea plz?
i put chmod 777 on my .kde on my home folder.
i dont have any other idea.


Wednesday, March 14th 2007, 3:46pm

kde does not use Xgl, so you probably are running kde in combination with beryl or compiz.

There are some problems with beryl/compiz and kde's pager. Sometimes the pager gives 1 desktop, while the cube has 4 desktops.

keep in mind that when running beryl/compiz, you can't set any desktops in kde, you should configure them in beryl/compiz.
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen


Wednesday, March 14th 2007, 4:12pm

Th'as what i thougt, i change the face of the cube, but i would like to have them in the taskbar, and or give them a numner so i can go directly to the face cube i want using windows button and the F1 or F2....
thanks if anyone know how i can configure that.