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  • "jetman" started this thread

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Location: New York, NY

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Thursday, February 15th 2007, 1:06am

Konqueror & Media:/ Volume Labels

This particular search is very frustrating. I'd like to make the icons in the media:/ node of Konqueror's File Mgr display the partition volume labels by default. I've posed the query to GOOGLE every way I can imagine, but no joy. I've looked in the KDE User Guide, but the KUG is very slim on details about hacking KDE.

I did find a single answer (via GOOGLE), in which it was suggested that one could customize indiv partition/media labels via the mediamanager.rc file, but that's a per-user solution. Again, no joy. It is possible as a global-setting, bec Kubuntu, Knoppix, and Freespire behave this way. The common denominator ? These are all Debian-based distros.

Is the only way to this goal adopting a Debian-based distro or perhaps someone can share about this undocumented feature of Konqueror ? Thanx....Jet


Thursday, February 15th 2007, 11:30am

Dunno where mediamanager.rc file is saved, but every user file as an equivalent systemfile. So it's not only something you can configure per-user.
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  • "jetman" started this thread

Posts: 8

Location: New York, NY

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Thursday, February 15th 2007, 1:45pm


Originally posted by Rinse
Dunno where mediamanager.rc file is saved, but every user file as an equivalent systemfile. So it's not only something you can configure per-user.

Source code

grep -Hre "WINXP_NTFS" .

Yhat's the result of me renaming hda1 and a GREP to reveal the change. So, it's your assertion that ~/.kde/share/config/mediamanagerrc has a corresponding /opt/kde/share/config/mediamanagerrc. Actually I can create this for the entire system ? That would work. Thank you very much.....Jet