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Wednesday, January 24th 2007, 11:46am

KDCOP - cannot find method sendSession

Hello guys,

I saw a lot of threads where you used following dcop commands.
For example:

dcop $konsole $session renameSession "new_name"
dcop $konsole $session sendSession "cd /dang/Music"

I am just wondering why I cannot find method sendSession in my DCOP Browser (kdcop). remaneSession is working just fine as many other methods..
Is this because of KDE version or is there other problem?

check this out:
vv@moon:~$ dcop konsole-5059 session-4 sendSession 'hi'
no such function

vv@moon:~$ dcop konsole-5059 session-4
QCStringList interfaces()
QCStringList functions()
bool closeSession()
bool sendSignal(int signal)
void clearHistory()
void renameSession(QString name)
QString sessionName()
int sessionPID()
QString schema()
void setSchema(QString schema)
QString encoding()
void setEncoding(QString encoding)
QString keytab()
void setKeytab(QString keyboard)
QSize size()
void setSize(QSize size)
QString font()
void setFont(QString font)

=> it looks like my dcop does not support sendSession method?

Can anybody please help as I really need this functionality from dcop!!

Thanks a lot!



Wednesday, January 24th 2007, 1:18pm

KDCOP - cannot find method sendSession [solved]

I already found the solution.

Konsole has to be started with --script option to support sendSession or sendAllSessions methods.


KONSOLE=`dcopstart konsole-script`
dcop $KONSOLE konsole sendAllSessions "ls -l"

cheers ;)