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Tuesday, January 23rd 2007, 2:42pm

Obviously UGLY Amarok bug that nobody is fixing?

If you use Amarok with podcasts than you came across this bug:
and it is just terribly annoying - extremely hampers user experience for us podcasters who use Amarok. I would like to urge Amarok developers to fix this issue as soon as possible. And you users to go on bug page and vote for this bug that it gets fixed sooner rather than later.

There is one feature that was in Amarok 1.2 and got removed (why?); and it is direct file deletion via shortcut. Is it possible to put that option back? Why did you pull it out? It is a great feature! If it is too dangerous than disable it by default, and give warnings for non experienced users to know what it does, but DON'T remove it from Amarok, please. If you leave the delete shortcut in there but don't assign any key for it that could be great for beginners not to delete anything, and a great speedy tool for us who need it.

I need ti when I get large amounts of new music that I listen through, and I only leave what I like. I would like to have an option do immediately delete stuff I don't like, and do it QUICKLY. Option is there for deletion but I need to click 3-4 times for each track that I want to delete.

Otherwise thank you Amarok developers for your great work because Amarok is THE audio player on linux.

Valent from Croatia.



Posts: 127

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Tuesday, January 23rd 2007, 10:55pm

I voted for this bug, it is still present in todays svn version.


Wednesday, January 24th 2007, 1:25pm

you'd better report this on the amarok forum (, it's much more likely they'll read it there.

it's indeed weird the delete option misses the posibility to assign a shortcut, it's most likely because it's not in the menu (menu items can always be assigned a shortcut). mention that, might help with fixing it.
-=| life sucks deeply |=-



Posts: 127

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Sunday, January 28th 2007, 12:36pm

Fixed in latest svn.


Thursday, February 8th 2007, 2:53pm


this is fixed