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Thursday, January 11th 2007, 6:47pm

strange message in kmail

Hi all,

from time to time kmail shows a strande message in the inbox with Subject: "No Subject", Sender Unknown and date unkown, like this one:
Status: R
X-Status: NC

1 bf7debfead72d3fda10e530eec47e46b
2 b77ba65db0c38df19e7d0b55e1c822c7
3 8e5fce9b54b8a1324ac6543b5cc42d54
4 98fc1e7b4b9e18f3952e6befd079e060
5 22007152a5f685da7ddeb58c9491961a
6 dd8a137f0595c768072d445f66771b84
7 e7c3b01d8c9e28244a0079c9a1e8e415
8 9dff3f9ecb0b18ed2a2fbc99fcc471bf
9 3266f0f87e66c6650a6086dbc61ff84c
10 de3651273422783349aa579707d3aad2
11 0741c06c33fc0fda23c996653ecf2bae
12 86d65ca31edc319e520dcf649212fc0f
13 f6341a7292d3bbf25a9abbaccba9517e
14 2371b66c6f6f104ce0808a38ad34a982
15 91c8181f2c62f2b0a4b1aba7587ef527
16 b070ce5a5d29363d10b1470b78c902c3
17 d0d176a53f7187f36c65a5ef5de3682e
18 dfe52c5ab730be953d95a24bc7ac7794

It seems this is no regular mail. The number of lines ist the number of mails when I log in via the web-interface. The web interface does not show the information above. Is this information generated by kmail?

Any idea where this information comes from?


Kmail is 1.9.5, KDE is 3.5.5.-0.2 on Fedora Core 5


Thursday, January 11th 2007, 7:11pm

perhaps your mailserver sends this information and kmail thinks it's an e-mail?
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen


Friday, January 12th 2007, 6:55am

This is what I had in mind first. But I have a second mailbox at which doesn´t show this behaviour and the support team of the provider was not able to explain it.
