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Tuesday, August 15th 2006, 4:59am

Konqueror and samba speed problem

I'm having some problems with konqueror speed in samba shares. If I mount the share in a folder using smbmount I do get good speeds both up and down, but when using konqueror I only get good speeds when downloading from windows file server. If uploading it only goes like 40kbs - 300kbs. Running samba 3.0.23 and kde 3.5.4.


Wednesday, March 28th 2007, 11:50am

RE: Konqueror and samba speed problem

I have also speed problem with file transfer using konqueror to a Windows Server.

I've made some test:
Transfer a large file (700MB) from the KDE Linux Workstation to a Windows2003 Server
- using "smbclient" from the shell I achieve a transfer rate of ~8MByte/S (this is good for me)
- using Konqueror without mounting the share on the filesystem, on the Kio transfer window I see a speed of ~2.3MByte/S (but this is only an indicative value because the time to transfer the file is much higher than the time needed to transfer it at that speed, the real speed is lower)
- using Konqueror mounting the share on the filesystem, on the Kio transfer window I see a speed of ~1.1MByte/S (but, like the previous test, this is only an indicative value because the time to transfer the file is much higher than the time needed to transfer it at that speed, the real speed is lower)

How can reach the real speed of 8MByte/S (like smbclient) with KDE?