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Wednesday, August 2nd 2006, 6:40pm

[kopete] kiosk config for kopete

I have a small internet cafe, I recieve some costumers complain about kopete, they feel uncomfortable with other user can see their contact list.
and i try to solve this with kiosk tool, but I think, I need more help coz i don't know how to use kiosk tool to customize kopete. ;(

my target is:
1. user login not permanently, so when user logout their account will erased
2. erased contact list when they logout

I think this is a solution to solve my problem, but I will accept another (better) solution

thanks before and after



Posts: 105

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Tuesday, August 15th 2006, 5:08pm

RE: [kopete] kiosk config for kopete

you'd have to run some sort of script so that the $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kopete folder and the kopeterc file in $HOME/.kde/share/config are deleted when a user closes kopete or logs out of KDE, or however it works there at your cafe. I don't know if you can do this with kiosk or not though.


Sunday, August 20th 2006, 8:06pm

RE: [kopete] kiosk config for kopete

can you tell me how?