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Wednesday, August 2nd 2006, 12:43pm

[Kopete] auto-connect on start-up

Hello there!

Is there a way to make Kopete connect to, let's say, yahoo, automatically when it starts?

And if i don't use KDE Wallet, how are the passwords stored by Kopete?

Can KDE Wallet be set to start-up without asking for password, so that the whole Kopete start-up whould be automatic?

I am using Kopete 0.11.1 on KDE 3.5.2.


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "itssmeeagainn" (Aug 2nd 2006, 12:46pm)


Wednesday, August 2nd 2006, 12:53pm

Yes, you can Kopete configure to connect to Yahoo! automatically when it starts up. Choose "Behaviour" in the configuration window. There's an option like "Connect automatically on startup". Check this option. Kopete will now connect to all your accounts on startup, unless you configure an account to be excluded.

I don't know where Kopete would store the password if you did not use Kwallet. And I would certainly not recommend to store any password in Kwallet without having a password set...


Wednesday, August 2nd 2006, 1:29pm


thanks a lot!

i don't want to store passwords in Wallet without a wallet password, it's just that i don't want him to ask me always... i want more like an auto-login feature... can i do so?



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Tuesday, August 15th 2006, 5:09pm

RE: thanks

nope, no auto-login feature. you'll have to use a passwordless wallet in order to get what you want.