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Monday, July 24th 2006, 2:39am

KDE misterious error


I have a error when i exec some kde application, for example, if i run konsole from konsole, i see:

user@Machine:~$ konsole

and, when i close the new konsole, i see:


Can someone help me?

Is like a contructor / destructor C++ methods

Really the new konsole work ok, but is rare, very rare error.


Wednesday, August 16th 2006, 3:15pm

RE: KDE misterious error


I have a similar problem running Dapper, and have not been able to sort it out. Basically, everytime I start or close an application I get a ~ScimInputContextPlugin() error. For example:

coreymc@wilco:~$ kpdf article.pdf &
[1] 5695
coreymc@wilco:~$ ScimInputContextPlugin()

Then when I quit kpdf:


[1]+ Done kpdf article.pdf

Everything seems to work fine - it is just really annoying. Any suggestions?


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "coreymc" (Aug 16th 2006, 3:17pm)


Wednesday, August 16th 2006, 5:46pm


My problem is with Dapper too



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Wednesday, August 16th 2006, 7:40pm

Maybe a debug message? You can disable all messages with kdebugdialog, and see if the message disappears.
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (


Thursday, August 17th 2006, 10:20am

RE: KDE misterious error

Thanks for your suggestion bram85, but deselecting all in kdebugdialog does not change the ScimInputContextPlugin() output. Any other ideas?


Tuesday, October 24th 2006, 1:37pm

RE: KDE misterious error


I just today noticed that message also on an Ubuntu machine. Going down the problem after some time it looks like this:

You have some scim-qtimm package installed. Scim is some "Smart Common Input Method"-Platform (look: This scim stuff also comes along with some Qt interaction stuff labeled as "scim-qtimm". This is distributed as a package of its own AFAIK.

Shipped with (at least version 0.9.3, the one I inspected) comes these lines (of source):

file: src/plugin.cpp

class ScimInputContextPlugin : public QInputContextPlugin
ScimInputContextPlugin() : QInputContextPlugin() {



Sorry, but the developers thought that every time this class gets instantiated (and destroyed) YOU MUST see this. :-)

There's no chance to avoid this message on a shell, but you can:

1. Kick that scim-qtimm package out

2. Try a newer "unstable" version of that package (if there is), hoping those progies got the point and removed those qDebug messages.

3. Redirect stderr (I guess stderr is where those messages are going to) by
$ blabla 2>/dev/null
(if "blabla is you app)

4. Inform those developers and tell them that this "feature" is quite nice but pretty anoying (... and BTW point them to having a non-virtual destructor in C++ is a NO-NO)

5. Get the sources, comment those "qDebug" lines out and recompile.

What's best for you, I don't know.

As I'm running a Gentoo I pretty would easily go for the 5. but this might be an overkill for user, which never do compile sources on their machines.


Tuesday, October 24th 2006, 1:43pm

RE: KDE misterious error

Thanks for the ideas. Since the problem, I configured a newer kernel for different reasons and the message went away. Hopefully this can help someone else though.



Tuesday, October 24th 2006, 5:04pm

RE: KDE misterious error

Oh, there's another one possibilty: scim-qtimm might be shipped precompiled with the QT_NO_DEBUG_OUPUT compiler flag set on.

This turns off qDebug(...) messages also. But this is due to your distro to check ...

Having a recompiled kernel making vanishing the problem sounds, well ... as for the top reasons given sure *this* is misterious as well ...


Tuesday, October 24th 2006, 5:05pm

RE: KDE misterious error

... and .. oh ... BTW: I told her (the developer) and she told me to fix that in next release ...