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Sunday, July 16th 2006, 11:37pm

2 missing functions in kopete!

Hy kopete team,

I use your program very often and like it a lot!
But for some of my friends the reason why they do not want to change to linux is that there are 2 functions missing in kopete (and gaim!)

And that is:
1. With the msn client they are able to see there friends. Using a webcam.
I have no clue how they do it. But don't we have gnomemeeting that can do the same? Can we use it to do the same? I mean integrate that functionality in kopete?

2. ICQ cannot transfer files? Why not? With msn we can. Why not with icq?


Monday, July 17th 2006, 10:20am

With a recent version of Kopete (0.12.1 would be best) you may send/receive webcam images via MSN. Just make sure you compile Kopete with support for sending/receiving webcam. You can also use Yahoos!'s webcam feature with Kopete.

ICQ file transfer is not implemented.

And the best way to contact the developers of Kopete would be the mailing list:


Monday, July 24th 2006, 9:04pm

Okay, I just subscribed to the mailing list and will ask the question there again. For the webcam feature I will wait until there is a version available for kubuntu. But I like it that its already implemented so we will have it soon.


Monday, July 24th 2006, 10:30pm

You may find packages for Kubuntu at Just search for them, or go directly to
Perhaps these packages work for you.



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Monday, July 24th 2006, 10:32pm

RE: 2 missing functions in kopete!

ICQ file transfers will be available in KDE 4.


Monday, January 8th 2007, 4:15pm


Originally posted by bauerfichtner
With a recent version of Kopete (0.12.1 would be best) you may send/receive webcam images via MSN. Just make sure you compile Kopete with support for sending/receiving webcam. You can also use Yahoos!'s webcam feature with Kopete.

With my Kopete 0.12.3 it does not realy work.
My friend has MSN Live Messenger and I can't see his Webcam.
What can i do? How can I see him?

I have the version from openSuSe 10.2, which I installed a few days ago.


Monday, January 8th 2007, 4:43pm

works fine over here with the same software

I'm not very familiar with webcams, but your friend should make his webcam available.
kopete then asks you if you want to accept the cam image and then displays the cam in a seperate window until you or your friend closes it.
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Monday, January 8th 2007, 5:18pm

Realy? I can try it again, but who has to send the request?
I have no webcam. is it a problem?


Monday, January 8th 2007, 7:33pm


Originally posted by JanMalte
Realy? I can try it again, but who has to send the request?

the one with the webcam.


I have no webcam. is it a problem?

neiter do i, so shouldn't be a problem ;)
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen


Monday, January 8th 2007, 8:47pm


i hope it will work.

I reply if it works or not.


Thursday, January 11th 2007, 2:17pm

I have switched betwen linux and windows since 1999.

The main reason in the begining was hardware suport. Then until the latest fedora core it was bluetooth that stoped me, but now it's mesenger functions as webcam and the fact that my lan card is reconised as a wlan card and the wlan card is reconised as a lan card and I can not find out how to change it.

If I was to sugest annything in kopete it would be that the webcam should work in all protocols that suport webcam and file transfere too. Last time I used it more than one year ago the file transfer in icq did not work and I gues it still don't.

A fancy function would be a record button for the broadcasted webcam. It could be abused, but not if a warning mesage is automaticly sendt to the broadcaster.

I would like to record some sesions with my 3yo cousin. I know there is programs our there doing it, but it would be great to have it all integrated.