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Tuesday, June 6th 2006, 2:07pm

Could not mount device. via Media:/

I canĀ“t seem to access my drive (ntfs-fuse) via media:/sda1 in kde 353 but am able to access the drive via /media/sda1. This is sort off annoying as I am not able to use the shortcut from devices:/ I get the following error.

Could not mount device.
The reported error was:
mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda1 is already mounted on /media/sda1
mount failed

my relevant entry from fstab:

/dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ntfs-fuse umask=0,defaults 0 0

How do I solve this?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ffi" (Jun 6th 2006, 2:09pm)


Saturday, June 10th 2006, 7:58am

No one?


Wednesday, June 21st 2006, 8:38pm

That doesn't sound like a kde problem sounds more system related. Have you check your permissions?