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Wednesday, April 19th 2006, 10:45pm

Suggest distro?

Could someone tell me of a distro that I can use that will stay very up to date with the newest KDE? Something that I can easily update such as Gentoo, via a packagemanager, but that actually gets the KDE available quickly? I ddidn't like kubuntu, not sure why.... any ideas?

Posts: 62

Location: Long Beach, California

Occupation: Documentation

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Sunday, June 25th 2006, 1:55am

RE: Suggest distro?

Debian Unstable (Sid) is a popular choice. You can install the Debian Testing CD, then, change your /etc/apt/sources.list from testing to unstable and apt-get dist-upgrade. However, be warned that it is unstable sometimes. It does allow you the option to continuously upgrade, similar to Gentoo, but without the compiling. OpenSuse is another idea, but you will have to periodically reinstall.


Wednesday, June 28th 2006, 6:25pm

I would say that depends on your level of expertise. If you are new to Linux your best bets in my opinion (that and $3.50 will get you a latte) are (K)Ubuntu, Mepis and PCBSD.