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Sunday, February 5th 2006, 4:57pm

New Konqueror windows open in existing Konqueror


If I have an existing instance of Konqueror running on my current workspace, and I open a new Konqueror window, (say, by clicking on a link to a directory on my desktop) the new window always opens as a tab in the existing instance of Konqueror rather than just creating a new Konqueror window. Personally, I find this rather irritating, and I don't see an (obvious) configuration option for it. Is there a way to change this behavior?


Monday, February 6th 2006, 12:35pm

In the menu Configuration -> Konqueror -> Behaviour you'll find a checkbox "Open files in a new window" (sorry if the labels do not match exactly, I translate it freely from my french version).
Check the box and restart Konqueror, this might solve your problem.


Monday, February 6th 2006, 3:30pm


Originally posted by coco-loco
In the menu Configuration -> Konqueror -> Behaviour you'll find a checkbox "Open files in a new window" (sorry if the labels do not match exactly, I translate it freely from my french version).
Check the box and restart Konqueror, this might solve your problem.

Whoops, I forgot to mention that when that option is checked, the new windows open as tabs as in the existing instance of Konqueror.


Monday, February 6th 2006, 4:44pm

I just looked at my settings wehre I stumbled over a setting in Web Behaviour, there's a checkbox in the tabbed-browsing section that says "Open links in tabs rather than new windows"... seems that this needs to be unchecked.


Monday, February 6th 2006, 5:14pm


Originally posted by coco-loco
I just looked at my settings wehre I stumbled over a setting in Web Behaviour, there's a checkbox in the tabbed-browsing section that says "Open links in tabs rather than new windows"... seems that this needs to be unchecked.

Yeah, I've tried that too, it dosen't seem to help.

FWIW, I'm using KDE 3.4.3 under Ubuntu 5.10. Has anyone else had this problem? I can't be the only one who thinks that this interface is strange and counter-intuitive...


Tuesday, February 7th 2006, 8:05pm

Okay, I found it. The option is Settings->Web Behavior->Advanced->"Open in Tab in Existing Konqueror when URL is called Externally" Unchecking this will cause directories and links to directories on the desktop to open in their own Konqueror window. To make all directories in Konqueror open in their own window, check "Open Folders in Seperate Windows" in Behavior, and uncheck "Open Popups in New Tab instead of New Window" in the advanced options of Web Behavior. IMHO these configuration settings aren't exactly intuitive or obvious; hopefully this is something that is fixed in more recent versions of KDE.