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Wednesday, January 25th 2006, 7:58am

Konqueror, Mplayer and Openoffice


I have a Debian Sid and KDE 3.5. I have a problem when i receive a mail
with an attachment. I have installed mplayer for video files. If I try to open a video file *.mpe or *.mpg I get a
window from which I can choose "open", then another with which I can
choose "open with Mplayer" then nothing more. I think the file isn't
downloaded at all. If I download the file and click on it by using Konqueror as a
file manager everything is all right. Under file association I choosed
mplayer to play .mpe and .mpg file (it's the first application on the list). Under "embedded" I have "use settings
for video group". Under application/command I have mplayer. I don't know
what's wrong.

If I try to open an attachment .doc or .pps it happens the following:

- for a .doc I get a window with "open" and then another one with "open
with Openoffice writer". Why doesn't directly comes a window with "open
with Openoffice writer" ? Under application command I have: ooffice
-writer %F. If i try to open a *.txt or *.pdf I get only one window which looks like: "open with Kwrite" or "open with Kpdf". Does it have to do with Openoffice integration in KDE ?



Thursday, January 26th 2006, 9:08pm

RE: Konqueror, Mplayer and Openoffice

After some tries, I decided to delete the entry mpeg under video under file association. Now, when I open a *.mpeg it doesn't come a window with "open with mplayer", but I have to choose the program in a list. When I select mplayer from the list, it works!!!!!
So now, when I open an attached file, the file is downloaded and then displayed. Before the file wasn't downloaded and wasn't displayed.... it's an improvement. My assumption is that something else happens when I select the program from a list and when a window with "Open with mplayer" comes. Does somebody have an idea ? Perhaps I have to give an argument to mplayer.