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Thursday, December 22nd 2005, 1:26pm

[KOPETE] 0.11 dates in history

Ive just updated to 0.11 and noticed that now it only shows me the times of ICQ messages but not the date anymore:
(15:33:23) GHAD29: lol
(15:33:48) Rudi Meier: she is really crazy too lol

I didnt found the button to add dates again - is there any?
(I tried different message styles but doesnt matter)

PS.: anybody knows weather file transfer via ICQ is possible somehow?




Posts: 948

Location: Eindhoven

Occupation: Software Engineer

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Thursday, December 22nd 2005, 3:32pm

RE: [KOPETE] 0.11 dates in history

There's no button for that.

Two options:

o You choose another style, or
o Get your hands dirty and dig into the style sheet of your selected style. Look how other styles insert a date and copy-paste it into your style. The modified styles are to be saved in ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/styles.
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (


Thursday, December 22nd 2005, 4:24pm

RE: [KOPETE] 0.11 dates in history

Ah ok, the prob was that default style has been changed in 0.11 and all other styles Ive tested so far were without dates too.

But thx for your hint with editing styles by myself. I just replaced all strings "@time" by "@formattedTimestamp" and all is good again :)