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Tuesday, November 1st 2005, 12:15am

KDE installation woes...where is it?

Hello all,

I've just done a clean install of SuSE 10. I chose Gnome as the default environment to see what it was like, but now I want to go back to KDE. The problem is I can't find a way to do that.

I went into YaST > Software > Installation into Directory and installed about 1GB of KDE libraries and apps as the Standard System. Then I went to Software > System /etc/sysconfig editor > Desktop and changed the settings from gdm to :
> Display manager = kdm
> window manager > default_wm = kde

Now all that happens is that I get a really basic looking logon screen with no menus that takes me straight to the FVWM environment.

Any help would be really appreciated.



Tuesday, November 1st 2005, 7:41pm

I (eventually) figured it out. I did two additional things but I'm not sure which of those actions helped or if both of them helped.

Like I said before, I had gone into YaST > Software > Installation into Directory and installed about 1GB of KDE libraries and apps as the Standard System. Having done that I reasonably assumed that I had a complete KDE environment to go. But then I went into YasT>Software installation and found a whole load of KDE libraries that had'nt been installed. So I basically ticked everything that looked like it might remotely be connected with KDE in some way.

Also, after looking at yet more forums, I found a post that said you should log-off rather than reboot to get the session menu. Yeah, I know thats obvious to a lot of people but no-one had said it specifically, and being a newbie it hadn't occured to me.

Anyway, there it is. Live and learn.
