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Wednesday, October 26th 2005, 2:33pm

KDE crashing


I'm currently having a problem that I don't know what could be. I've installed Kubuntu, 3 days ago and have installed the following packages by apt-get:


And their respectives dependecies, of course. I'm using the ubuntu multiverse repositories.

The problem is, randomly, the system crashes... The screen goes black and the monitor light becames orange (it's like the system went in the standby mode, but this couldn't be cause I was operating the computer!)

When the screen goes black, nothing works more, keyboard, mouse, till the music I was hearing stops. Something knows what it could be or where I should search for answers?

Thank you!


Monday, October 31st 2005, 11:27am

RE: KDE crashing

The first question is: how do you know KDE is crashing? It may be clear that something crashed, but it also can be X or the kernel. Therefor, there are a couple of thing you can look for.

  1. Does the led's on the keyboard light up and flikker.
  2. Can you enter the computer from another computer in the network (if available).

If (1) occures, the kernel is possible crashed; if (2) occures the kernel is certainly not crashes. After you made a connection with (2) you can search for what the computer is doing, or shutdown it properly.

After that, you can search your log files for more information about what happened. For a problem with X or KDE, ~/.xsession-errors is the first log to investigate, elsewise you can look for errors in /var/log/messages or some else log in that directory.

Crashes can be caused by many different causes, and there are many ways a program can crash. For example, bad hardware also can cause random crashes.