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Wednesday, September 28th 2005, 9:09am

[kopete] Online friends are not shown by kopete :(

Hi there,

I really like Kopete since its very stable and has all the features I need.
However I experience one problem with it that renders it almost useless - All members in the members-list are shown offline even if they are online.

Other clients like SIM are able to display the correct status but are not stable or lack features :(

I use KDE-3.4.0 with Kopete 0.10, but I also had this problem with the kopete version shipped iwth kde-3.3.1.

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Thank you in advance, lg Clemens


Wednesday, September 28th 2005, 10:37pm


Well this was more or less ment as a bug-report with ability to talk to developers to clearify the problem - but it seems no one took notice at all :-(

Should I this as a bug?

lg Clemens



Posts: 1

Location: Hamburg, Germany

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Sunday, October 16th 2005, 4:10pm

RE: Hmm...

same problem with me
Suse10.0, DSL via private router
what ports do I have to activate?


Friday, October 21st 2005, 8:35am

some problem

I've got exacly the same problem but first since yesterday.
Has anything been done against it yet?



Posts: 6

Location: Madison, WI - USA

Occupation: Computer Science Student

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Tuesday, November 8th 2005, 3:03am

[uhm, how do I delete my own post?]

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "gris" (Nov 8th 2005, 3:26am)


Tuesday, November 8th 2005, 5:49am

I seem to be having the same problem. SuSE 10.0 OSS, all that jazz. Using the AIM protocol on kopete, it seems that all the contacts I add do not show up as online, ever. After cross-checking this with GAIM on windows (ugh... windows... i must've hated myself that day :) ) I discovered that the contacts were not being synchronized up to the server list - they didn't show up on GAIM at all.
With a little google action, I found a thing on kopete's site about ICQ having the exact problem described on Kopete. Any info from the developers on this issue?

EDIT: Looks like they beat us to it by a longshot.
Rewrite the whole AIM plugin from scratch? Wow. Big project. Good luck to the developers. Open source is the tech world's only hope :-D

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "kooseefoo" (Nov 8th 2005, 6:04am)