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Tuesday, August 30th 2005, 9:55am

user (not root) network administration in kde


I need to allow one user using a laptop to config his wireless and ethernet network interfaces. However, she does not know anything about linux configuration and anyway, I would not like to give her the root password.

For wireless I have found that kwifi-manager can allow that although I should give her the root password for the configuration (other possibilities?)

However, I haven't found any application in which she could configure the ethernet interface in order to change a fix IP and gateway or DCHP. Any idea?

I installed her the last version of KDE in a gentoo distribution.

Thanks in advance,



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Location: Graz, Austria

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Friday, September 2nd 2005, 1:13pm

You can use sudo to allow some user access to some root programs with only needing their own password.

I think someone is/was developing some kind of network manager in kdenonbeta

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Sunday, September 4th 2005, 9:44am

I found the page which I guess is the one you refer with kdenonbeta (am I wrong here?).

This is directly the CVS repository and I am not sure about the state of those applications listed there. Do you know of any place where I can find out about it? So far I found only the index with the description of applications but that's all.

BTW, the sudo approach could be good. Do you know of any visual program to configure the ethernet networks too? I know KWiFiManager but that one is only for wireless connections.
