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Thursday, March 31st 2005, 12:55am

new menu within panel


Googling around and looking at various posts didn't help me to resolve my seemingly simple problem.

I have a child panel which contains applications I run frequently. The number of these apps is becoming quite large and I would therefore like to group similar applications together by placing them in a common "folder". (For example, I would like to have a folder -- something like the kmenu -- which contains only my internet related applications such as mozilla, gaim, apollon, etc.) How do I go about creating such a menu/folder/whatever within the panel. I remember having done this years ago but it may have been in gnome before I saw the light. :-)

Cheers and thanks in advance.


Thursday, March 31st 2005, 8:21am

new menu within panel

there may be another way but this will work
create a directory and sub folders with all the links you want
add > special button> Quick Browzer link to it


Friday, April 1st 2005, 11:44pm

RE: new menu within panel

Thanks for the reply.

I thought about this method and I think it should work (but am not at my kde computer right now). There must be, however, a kde-way of doing this directly.



Sunday, April 24th 2005, 3:11am

RE: new menu within panel

I haven't had any positive responses, so I assume that nobody knows whether this is possible or not.

I logged into gnome lately and noticed that the gnome panel has a "drawer" that can be added to it which essentially acts like a (sub) panel within the (main) panel. That is precisely what I would be looking for. Any ideas for how to do this in kde?

If nobody knows, are there any objections to me making this a feature request?




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Sunday, April 24th 2005, 11:41am

I think something like drawers is already on Aaron's feature list (current Kicker maintainer)

Could already be in 3.4, but maybe they appear in 3.5

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