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Thursday, March 22nd 2007, 4:20pm

Author: rconnect

RE: kopete custom messages

Where can you set custom my messages? I am trying to find where in kopete to have a Setence next to the nickname, like MSN Messenger 8 has. To view your friends custom messages you need to go to options->appearence ->Contact List and thenm choose "detailed view"

Wednesday, September 21st 2005, 2:20pm

Author: rconnect

Kmail Autoreceive

thank you, never realise that option. Many thanks once again.

Wednesday, September 21st 2005, 1:09am

Author: rconnect

Kmail Autoreceive

I have been trying to look for the setting to receive emails automatically in kmai, but no luck, is there a way to put auto checking for new emails every 5 minutes or so, like outlook does? I receive very important emails all the time, and its a pain having to click in the "ckeck mail in" all the time. I hope someone can help me. Thank you.