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Sunday, July 3rd 2005, 4:43pm

Author: glomy

Keyboard handling in KDE far from ideal

Quoted That menu thing is weird, it works for me. All by keyboard I choose Document->save as in Konqueror, then cancel the dialog using ESC. When pressing ALT-D it highlights the first entry in the Document menu, not save as. I found a bug report about the menu bug, it appears to be a bug in qt that can be fixed with one of the qt-copy patches. See bug #106816 for more info. Hopefully this issue is adressed in qt 4? But since I'm using Gentoo Linux I think rebuilding qt including the patch shou...

Sunday, July 3rd 2005, 10:56am

Author: glomy

Keyboard handling in KDE far from ideal

I know about at least one bug #45556 about the keyboard handling in the list view control. And just like some people in the bug comments, I get the feeling that nobody is interested in fixing this bug, since it's a reported bug since KDE 3.0.6. Other stuff like the tree synchronisation and the faulty menubar keyboard handling has been in the KDE for quite a while (if not forever). So I wonder, doesn't any one use the keyboard in de KDE or does nobody care to fix these problems?!? I didn't create...

Saturday, July 2nd 2005, 5:17pm

Author: glomy

Win key working without turning it to an F13 key

I wonder if it's possibly to make the separate win key working without turning it to a fake F13 key? It seems like the KDE developers didn't really implement the Windows key handling properly, since the Win key is handled more like SHIFT key so it cannot be used separately (this opens the start menu in windows). Maybe KDE 3.5 can fix the problem? I really like the de Win key handling in Windows, and would really like to use them aswell in KDE, incluiding the seperate Win key press.

Saturday, July 2nd 2005, 4:39pm

Author: glomy

Keyboard handling in KDE far from ideal

I tried linux since the days on de linux 0.99 kernel. And when in 1996 the KDE development started I was very interested in what this could bring for the linux desktop. At this moment the KDE offers a real desktop, but after all these years simple things like keyboard handling are far from perfect! Let's take the konquerer file manager als an example. The selection I make with the arrow up and down keys in de tree isn't automaticly sync'ed with the part that shows the contents of a folder. You h...