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Friday, June 17th 2005, 7:46am

Author: aka

Kopete problems with MSN

Is there any messanger for Linux similar to Miranda? I mean plugin structure, lots of protocols (like gaim/kopete) and lots of settings(unlike gaim)

Thursday, June 16th 2005, 4:32pm

Author: aka

Kopete problems with MSN

I'm curious, is it that difficult to make a programm, that will compile?? Without adding some C++ stuff to it's source, look at MIranda im. A perfect(!) IM for windows, unfortunalely not available for Linux. Personally I don't like gaim, but kopete sucks too. I wasn't able to use MSN in fedora built in .9 version, and wasn't able to compile the scr for .10.1 due to fr stuff and some other like real cpp problems, some functions not defined or something. Please, test the soft harder, or u'll kill ...