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Tuesday, May 24th 2005, 5:26pm

Author: elvisthedj

[kopete] No more MSN :(

Dark_Knight: Just for the record, you don't have to be a programmer to compile (or even patch) software It would take you minutes to learn how to do this, in fact in most cases, it's a matter of issuing 3 commands. If you refuse to be bothered with learning, then you really are forced to take what you are given. I'm no programmer and I use gentoo, so I've compiled everything that I have You're also cheating yourself out of a BIG advantage to using linux if you stay away from the console. It's am...

Saturday, May 21st 2005, 8:07pm

Author: elvisthedj


Gentoo users: There is a patch here Edit your ebuild to include the new patch (I edited the 3.4.0.r2.ebuild and saved as kopete-3.4.0-r3.ebuild), put the patch in the files folder (with the others), run the digest: ebuild kopete-3.4.0-r3 digest echo "kde-base/kopete ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords emerge kopete Here's the ebuild (only the last line was added): # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU Gene...

Thursday, May 19th 2005, 4:48am

Author: elvisthedj

[kopete] No more MSN :(

As of this afternoon, I can no longer connect to MSN. I can connect with Mercry (java based client) and read this on the gentoo forums: Using the debug window of Kmess (which also cannot log in), it pops up something about requiring Javascript to log in. Anyone on the kopete-devel list that knows what's going on? ________ I've gotta say, so far this has been my only issue with this version of kopete` , overall, it has worked great since .. umm.. well, the day 3.4 was released Edit: This is what ...

Wednesday, April 13th 2005, 8:13am

Author: elvisthedj

[KOPETE] dcop - getting message text

Is there anyway to grab the incoming messge text with dcop? I have some karaba widgets that I would like to display incoming messages. If not with dcop, is there someway to pass the message text to the "Execute Program" in the notifications?