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Thursday, May 25th 2006, 3:10pm

Author: sleepkreep

XGL and compiz

Hey, hey. Thanks! I'll give it a shot later this week and let you know if it worked. Currently my system's on the frits

Wednesday, April 19th 2006, 2:19pm

Author: sleepkreep

XGL and compiz

That's not what I was saying. That's what I do now. But if compiz became the default window manager for kde and gnome, then we would have a window manager with at least double the development team and the kde guys could concentrate more on the plugins to get it to act how they want in kde. Cheers!

Thursday, April 13th 2006, 5:38am

Author: sleepkreep

XGL and compiz

Currently, kde-window-decorator is not ready. Zach is working on it, but honestly there's not much point to it other than matching the KDE window menus. Neither gnome-window-decorator or kde-window-decorator take the configured decoration for the respective kwin or metacity. There is a way to configure the theme for compiz but I haven't found any other themes out there to use. So in short, you will never get your KDE window decorations with compiz. Sorry. A little tip with running compiz with KD...

Tuesday, April 11th 2006, 1:06am

Author: sleepkreep


I think KDE should switch over to compiz and drop kwin. Wait, hear me out. Since compiz is very plugin based, this would allow the desktop environment to load its own plugins when the environment is started, making compiz look and act however it deems necessary. Plus, this would mean that GNOME (if they choose to switch as well) and KDE would have a common window manager to both work on and improve together. This would also mean that if I liked some effect that GNOME uses, I could use with KDE a...

Wednesday, August 10th 2005, 2:44am

Author: sleepkreep

How do speed up konqueror as fast as Firefox?

I need to get konqueror MUCH faster. It's so slow to connect to sites. And when it does, it takes forever to connect to each of the servers to get the images needed. Firefox and IE(even under wine) are blazing fast. Firefox connects and completely downloads in 3 seconds. Konqueror connects in three seconds and almost renders it but gives up after 15 seconds. This is just one example. Every site is pretty much the same effect. It always takes about 3 seconds for Konqueror to get a reply ...

Saturday, April 16th 2005, 5:33pm

Author: sleepkreep

About autopackage

You know, I just found out about autopackage yesterday and was coming here to close this thread. Are there any plans of integrating autopackage with KDE? I know it's not ready, but it never will be unless we set a new standard.

Friday, April 15th 2005, 10:25pm

Author: sleepkreep

KDE software installer (new format, .krpm) Need Feedback!

I have an idea that I need feedback on. First let me say that I am a very beginner developer and could never tackle something like this. But, the idea is a good one (I think) and I wanted feedback on whether or not it would work. Maybe I could get a team of developers together to work on it. Flood me with emails ( and replies to this post. My idea is to make a more user friendly way of installing KDE applications. It also makes installing them distro independent. Although by...

Friday, April 8th 2005, 9:10am

Author: sleepkreep

RE: switch user with sound?

I had the same problem. The problem is in the permissions of /dev/dsp0. First, make sure that all users are part of the audio group (by default they are not) and second change the permissions of /dev/dsp0 to read and right for all groups.

Wednesday, April 6th 2005, 10:55pm

Author: sleepkreep

Disk type display on desktop

I configured my desktop to show device icons. I only checked audio cd, blank cd, blank dvd, and DVD video disk. When I insert a disk into the drive, none of these show up on the desktop. WTF? How do I configure it to show an icon reflecting the disk that I inserted? I know it's possible.