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Friday, June 10th 2005, 6:04pm

Author: Krasu

KDirOperator and its history

Quoted Originally posted by anda_skoa You could subclass KDirOperator and create more than one view or set the same KDirLister object on your instances. Good idea. I'll try this to speed up directory loading

Friday, June 10th 2005, 1:46am

Author: Krasu

KDirOperator and its history

Right. You synchronized history with some hacks. This code is not looking good Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 void KDirOp::slotFinishedLoading() { const QObject* dirop = QObject::sender(); if (dirop == dirop1) { dirop2->setURL(dirop1->url(), true); } else if (dirop == dirop2) { dirop1->setURL(dirop2->url(), true); } } Imagine, that I've gone to directory that contains ~5000 files, and all my diroperators start to load it ... Thats why in my app only one diroperator loads an url, and a...

Thursday, June 9th 2005, 11:14am

Author: Krasu


Friday, June 3rd 2005, 12:43pm

Author: Krasu

KDirOperator and its history

I can't keep them synchronized, because they are private. I can't access them at all. I wrote simple test app (attach). Compile it and run, visit about 10-15 urls and then go to the second page. Push "back" button. You won't jump to the last url you visited, because backStack of this diroperator contains only one entry (your home dir path). Now try to synchronize history of both diroperators

Thursday, June 2nd 2005, 12:24am

Author: Krasu

KDirOperator and its history

Quoted Originally posted by anda_skoa Hmm, if you can get the URL of the current active operator you could use setURL. Of course I can, but I needn't do this. I need transfer all history entries from first MyDirOperator::backStack to second MyDirOperator::backStack. But I can't do it, because backStack and forwardStack are private. In other words, I can't manipulate diroperator's history directly

Tuesday, May 31st 2005, 1:52pm

Author: Krasu

KDirOperator and its history

You still don't understand me. When user goes to the second KDirOperator in widget stack, he suddenly presses "back" button. But this diroperator doesn't have history, because it has been accessed for the first time, so this action won't take effect. As you can see in sources, backStack must not be empty, when the user presses "back" button. But I can't fill backStack with correct urls just after the second diroperator has been activated, because backStack is private. Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...

Monday, May 30th 2005, 8:48pm

Author: Krasu

KDirOperator and its history

I have 4 diroperators in QWidgetStack. I need to synchronize their history. For example, user visits about 100 urls in first diroperator, and then goes to the second one. Now the second diroperator should obtain all visited urls from the first one. If KDirOperator::backStack had been protected, I would have only copy history from one dirop to another, using helper functions Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QPtrStack<KURL>* MyDirOperator::backURLs() const { return backStack; } QPtrStack<KURL>* MyDir...

Friday, May 27th 2005, 5:17pm

Author: Krasu

KDirOperator and its history

Who can tell me at once one reason why KDirOperator::backStack and forwardStack are private I can't access diroperator's url history

Thursday, May 26th 2005, 2:04am

Author: Krasu

RE: How to link a file in KDE?

you should read carefully info-s from automake and autoconf. Run konqueror and type in address bar "info:autoconf", do the same for automake.

Thursday, May 12th 2005, 9:59pm

Author: Krasu

subdirectory & .ui files

Heh ... I added some source files in this subdirectory, and now 'make' works ... sq_fix.h: Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 #include <qobject.h> class SQ_Fix : public QObject { public: SQ_Fix(); }; sq_fix.cpp: Source code 1 2 3 4 #include "sq_fix.h" SQ_Fix::SQ_Fix() : QObject() {} If there is no even one c++ source file in subdir, make fails

Wednesday, May 11th 2005, 6:18pm

Author: Krasu

subdirectory & .ui files

I've just added new subdirectory to my project (KDevelop 2.1). I've put some .ui files in it, but 'make' failed. Here is toplevel Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)########## bin_PROGRAMS = ksquirrel ## INCLUDES were found outside kdevelop specific part ksquirrel_SOURCES = ... ksquirrel_LDADD = ./imageedit_dlg/libimageedit_dlg.a ./imageedit_overlay/libimageedit_overlay.a $(LIB_KIO) $(LIB_KDEPRINT) $(LIB_KD...

Wednesday, May 11th 2005, 3:43pm

Author: Krasu

shutdown command


Tuesday, May 10th 2005, 11:38pm

Author: Krasu

shutdown command

Hmm ... But programs can still call something like Source code 1 2 3 KProcess pr; pr << "shutdown" << "-h" << "now"; pr.start(KProcess::Block); So, it doesn't make sense what to call - DCOP method or 'shutdown' OK, as I understood, I cann't do what I want Thanks.

Tuesday, May 10th 2005, 9:34pm

Author: Krasu

RE: shutdown command

I mean KDE command, which will run KMenu->Logout->Turn off computer 'shutdown' brings the system down even if there is no DE running. I tried Source code 1 dcop kdesktop KDesktopIface logoutWithoutConfirmation but it only restarts KDE ... Any ideas ?

Tuesday, May 10th 2005, 5:14pm

Author: Krasu

shutdown command

which console command is analog of "KMenu->Logout->Turn off computer" ?

Wednesday, May 4th 2005, 3:26pm

Author: Krasu

KDoubleSpinBox problem

Slots should be public, if anybody will need to call them directly (like QSlider::setValue()). I needn't it, so I created all slots private. Quoted I'll take a look at my sources and see if there is anything different It's simple - just remove line Source code 1 connect(spin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), spin, SLOT(slotValueChanged(int))); from my source code, and spinbox won't emit valueChanged(double) signal, and slotG(double) won't be executed.

Wednesday, May 4th 2005, 1:52pm

Author: Krasu

KDoubleSpinBox problem

OK. I found the problem. It seemed that it's KDE bug. My KDE is 3.2.3 in MDK 10.0. As you can see in knuminput.cpp in kdelibs sources Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 KDoubleSpinBox::KDoubleSpinBox( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) : QSpinBox( parent, name ) { editor()->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight ); d = new Private(); updateValidator(); } KDoubleSpinBox::KDoubleSpinBox( double lower, double upper, double step, double value, int precision, QWidget * parent, const...

Wednesday, May 4th 2005, 1:17pm

Author: Krasu

KDoubleSpinBox problem

All my slots are virtual and private. I don't see the reason why they should be public. Qt doesn't print error to stdout, and generated sources looks ok: Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SQ_ImageBCG::SQ_ImageBCG( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl ) : QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ) { ... spinG = new KDoubleSpinBox( groupBox8, "spinG" ); spinG->setMaxValue( 70 ); spinG->setMinValue( 0 ); spinG->setPrecision( 2 ); .... connect( spinG, SIGNAL( valueChanged(d...

Tuesday, May 3rd 2005, 7:26pm

Author: Krasu

KDoubleSpinBox problem

KDoubleSpinBox::valueChaged(double) signal is not emmited! I connected it to some slot, but this slot is not executed: When I press 'up' or 'down' arrow in spinbox, nothing happens, and there is no output to stdout. Whats wrong ?

Friday, April 29th 2005, 12:19am

Author: Krasu

RE: Quit and Minimize

man QApplication Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 void Class::slotQuit() { /* do something important before quit */ /* ... */ qApp->quit(); }