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Saturday, September 4th 2004, 8:16pm

Author: eirvin

Understood, but

I understand that, but I can't seem to make things like Netscape launch, and I can't make WINE apps launch as "I" think GUI apps should launch.

Saturday, September 4th 2004, 4:37pm

Author: eirvin


Thanks... I'll give this a try.

Saturday, September 4th 2004, 3:15pm

Author: eirvin

Unable to properly create desktop links

Hi, I'm a new KDE user who has just installed SuSE 9.1. Nice OS. I am attempting to create links to applications on my desktop and believe that I am doing so improperly. One such application is mIRC which I am running through WINE. It is my understanding that inorder to use apps through WINE, you much launch through a shell window. SO, what I am doing is creating a link on the desktop such as the following wine /usr/local/mirc/mirc.exe and I have the application set to run in a shell window. How...