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Thursday, September 23rd 2004, 1:44pm

Author: wimbo

displaying lyrics on screen

hello, is there a plugin for noatun or juk that displays lyrics on screen? i know there is a plugin that searches the internet for lyrics, but it's not quite what i want. i used to work with xmms and there i had this plugin that showed lyrics out of a lyrics file sentence by sentence on top of my screen, above every program. i really liked that, but i don't like xmms. so when there would be something like that for noatun or - even better - juk, that would be great. greetz, wimbo

Thursday, September 23rd 2004, 1:37pm

Author: wimbo

displaying more info in korganizer

hello, i would like to display more information in korganizer. now it only shows the title of the event, but i would likett io also show the place. i know you can see that information when you hold the mouse over the event, but isn't it possible to show that also in the event itself? would be very handy, certeinly when you print it out. since i'm a theatertechnician on tour, it's very handy not only to see what play i will be playing, but also where. greetz, wimbo

Thursday, September 23rd 2004, 1:33pm

Author: wimbo

can't print in koffice (and only in koffice)

hello, i can't print in koffice. whenever i try to print i get this error [code:1]/usr/kde/3.3/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN16KMVirtualManager12setAsDefaultEP9KMPrinterRK7QStringP7QWidget.[/code:1] i'm using gentoo. i already tried to re-emerge kdelibs and cups, but nothing helps. the strangest thing of all is that i can print without any problems in other programs like kontact or opera. does anyone know how to solve this? greetz, wimbo

Monday, June 7th 2004, 9:44pm

Author: wimbo

keeping superkaramba widgets after shutdown

hello, i'm new to kde (always used gnome, now experimenting with kde). i'm looking for a way to save my settings i made in superkaramba (especially the liquid weather plus widget) after shutdown. i also want these widgets to start up at... well, start up. and i want to get rid of that kde bar in the bottom of my screen. i just cant find that setting in the control center. can someone please help me. thx, wimbo