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Saturday, September 11th 2004, 7:50pm

Author: sinister_nation

[kopete] can't recieve files

I have version 0.8.0 that was installed in my MDK. I'm able to send files but I can't recieve files. Is there anyway I can recieve files in Kopete? Also I done a search on the forum first and no matter how a set the word search I keep getting anywhere from 230 to 850 results.

Monday, December 15th 2003, 1:34am

Author: sinister_nation

Kopete problems

well I setup Gaim tonight for MSN networks and got protocol not supported. So I think M$ had change the protocols once again. I'm glad that I don't use there OS hardly anymore except for when I need to play a game or two because I haven't checked in on winex yet.

Sunday, December 14th 2003, 6:40am

Author: sinister_nation

Kopete problems

well I know if I log in and use BlackBox or something else then Kopete will work for MSN and then when I logoff and get back on my computer later and login into KDE Kopete will work but when I close it down and get off from my computer for the night and the next day login back into KDE I'm back to the same problem with Kopete not logging into MSN network.

Friday, December 12th 2003, 1:16am

Author: sinister_nation

Kopete problems

I'm using MDK 9.2 and I use Kopete to talk to my friends that uses MSN. Tonight I was talking to a friend and muy cable modem went out of synch on me, when this had happen it disconnected me from kopete and now I can connect back up with the MSN network. Yes I can boot into that bane OS windows and use MSN but I won't because everything I do is on my MDK and like it allot better than that other wanna be OS. How can I fix Kopete so it will connect back up to MSN again? Never had any problems with...