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Sunday, December 28th 2003, 12:25am

Author: takisd

installing windows decorations and themes

thanks heaps... it worked....!!!!! you were most helpful. thanks again Takis

Saturday, December 27th 2003, 11:16am

Author: takisd

installing windows decorations and themes

Hi just wondering if i'm doing anything wrong here (well.. i must be...... big time linux newbie) i'm running mandrake 9.2 with kde 3.1.3. i downloaded a couple of window decorations and installed these as per the instructions - ./configure make make install. all went well. the how to then simply says to open the control center and the new theme or decoration or whatever is available from the list. problem is both the ones i downloaded (one i wanted and a tester to see if the prob was with the f...

Monday, December 15th 2003, 12:10am

Author: takisd

show desktop in quick launch

Hi is there any way to put the 'show desktop' control in the quick launch area? all i can do with the quick launch is add applications already in my task bar menu. i have also been unable to locate the command that actually performs this so i can just add another item and then add this to the quick launch area. obviously it would be ideal to have the show dektop in the quick launch without adding anything to the menu. anyway... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks Takis

Sunday, October 26th 2003, 10:54am

Author: takisd

multiple desktop features

Hi i'm a big time newbie to linux and trying slowly to weane myself off my win2000 box. one thing i do like in win is the mdi interface which isn't available in linux (or is it!!??). anyway, my problem stems from the above where i'm using programs with mutliple windows such as numerous toolbars etc as found in the graphcis tool gimp (for example). all the windows come up nicely but due to the absence of mdi, they all just appear over whatever is open. what i aim to do as a result is use the mult...

Monday, April 21st 2003, 7:51am

Author: takisd


thanks for your suggestions. i did fiddle with the files and it does work fine from the command line. no issues at all. doing it that way also displayed the modem device as 'active' in the network configuration window. i do like the features of kppp - i know i'm probably being a little superficial here, but knowing the connection speed, time on line etc. i find quite handy. if there is any other way to display that sort of data, i'm happy to go with that. at the moment i still can't find a way t...

Sunday, April 13th 2003, 9:52am

Author: takisd


i haven't tried kinternet, though i have read about it, and have since looked to download it but i can not find it anywhere. no doubt i'm probably looking in the wrong places and i can not seem to find it in my current installation (i am also quite a linux newbie). i am still looking for it, and i am still looking for a way to solve my current problem with kppp. thanks Takis

Thursday, April 10th 2003, 6:37am

Author: takisd

Browsing problem with KPPP

hi i've had a couple of issues using kppp with my internet connection. it seems to work fine, it dials the modem, connects ok, gives me a connected dialog with details and so forth, but when i open a browser i can't see anything. if i connect instead by activating the modem from the network device window, it dials my isp, and all works fine. browsing is no problem from any client, ftp ok and so forth. i just can't seem to get anything to work using kppp which i would rather use as using the mode...