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Wednesday, August 13th 2003, 11:48am

Author: g00se

The quest for OS (X)

Ok, here are the themes I installed to get a very nice looking OS X desktop Window decoration: Aqua OS K Widget style: Mosfet liquid I also use the color scheme coming with Mosfet's liquid. It looks like the iconset I downloaded from kde-look is removed. I think it was OS X icons or something. Maybe there's some other Aqua iconset..

Wednesday, August 13th 2003, 11:20am

Author: g00se

DVD Burning

k3b should have dvd burning soon. Check the roadmap page: It's already implemented in k3b cvs. Hopefully they'll make release soon, I'm tired of booting to windows just to burn some dvds. I know it's possible to burn in linux but I don't have time to mess with the cmdline tools