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Tuesday, August 12th 2008, 1:52am

Author: b3zdomny

best app for remote administration?

Thanks, Laumers, especially for the security recommendation. I will log on to her router and whitelist only my IP. Thanks again.

Sunday, August 10th 2008, 10:59pm

Author: b3zdomny

best app for remote administration?

What, if any, are the advantages of putty/ssh over a remote desktop environment like KRDC for remote administration? Presently I I use KRDC to remotely administer a Debian Etch box used by my mother, who lives a couple of hundred miles away. Thanks for your insight and time to comment.

Tuesday, August 5th 2008, 10:56pm

Author: b3zdomny

solved: toggle between keyboard maps on-the-fly?

Source code 1 apt-get install kde-i18n-ru Note the "ru" suffix for the desired language, in this case, Russian. Next: Source code 1 apt-get install kkbswitch Then, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to add the desired alternate keyboard map (in this case, Russian): Quoted "XkbLayout" "us,ru" as an option under Section "InputDevice". Optionally, edit the same section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf to add a keyboard switch in addition to the mouseover switch at the panel applet: Quoted "XkbOptions" "grp:switch,grp:a...

Tuesday, August 5th 2008, 1:21am

Author: b3zdomny

toggling keyboard maps on-the-fly?

Thanks, neverendingo. I found "kde-i18n-xx" in the Debian repositories and installed, but my situation is still the same. Hope I get more responses because I really want this to work. I know Linux is the best OS, but sometimes I need a little help to get it to work. Don't want to be forced to boot into my Windows side in order to get the result I want.

Monday, August 4th 2008, 3:53pm

Author: b3zdomny

toggling keyboard maps on-the-fly?

I would like to be able to toggle back and forth between keyboard maps on-the-fly while within a particular application. Specifically, I would like to toggle between Cyrillic and Latin characters within a single IRC session. As it is, I must toggle the keyboard to the desired map, *then* open desired application, and cannot toggle between maps while within that application. This situation simply won't work in chat with English-speaking Russian friends in IRC as I'm learning Russian language and ...