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Saturday, June 2nd 2007, 2:38am

Author: libertyernie

SNES emulator

Try getting it through your linux distro first. What kind of Linux/Unix are you on?

Friday, June 1st 2007, 11:53pm

Author: libertyernie

[Kopete] prevent kopete from using contactlist.xml

When I use Kopete and other IM clients on multiple computers and I delete a contact on another computer, Kopete will ask me if I want to add that contact again. This is annoying, and I prefer the AIM client's behavior of downloading the contact list from the server on every logon. So my question is, is it possible to get Kopete to not use contactlist.xml, either by keeping it from writing to that file or by turning off the local cache of the buddy list? (I am using Kubuntu 7.04.)