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Thursday, September 16th 2004, 1:10pm

Author: Martin Cracauer

How to "transport" a Desktop configuration?

When I said "diff/patch", that actually means CVS. For 12 years now I carry a CVS checkout directory with a ./configure script with me which installs my dotfiles (and personal binaries/scripts) and adapts them as needed to the target machine. What would better in the KDE case is not messing with the ASCII files directly, but instead have a commandline KDE control center. It would do both reporting changes made in an interactive control center as commandlines, and taking such commandlines and app...

Wednesday, September 15th 2004, 2:30am

Author: Martin Cracauer

How to "transport" a Desktop configuration?

Ah! $KDEHOME That was it. I forgot about that one. I have it set to a well-chosen place, not knowing it would keep my config there, and then forgot about it OK, I'll give it a try to sort it out with ASCII patch/diff or cvs manually. I only need to transport window manager config and Konsole.

Monday, September 13th 2004, 8:24pm

Author: Martin Cracauer

How to "transport" a Desktop configuration?

I wonder where the stuff is actually stored? $ cd ~/.kde $ ls -ltr `find . -type f` ==> newest file is from August 3rd.

Monday, September 13th 2004, 8:12pm

Author: Martin Cracauer

How to "transport" a Desktop configuration?

Hm, manually inspecting the files in ~/.kde/share/config I find they hold the default values, not my changed values. Mumble, reverse engineering stuff was exactly what I wanted to prevent...

Monday, September 13th 2004, 7:23pm

Author: Martin Cracauer

How to "transport" a Desktop configuration?

That's not sportish But seriously, what happens if there is a slight version difference? And this way I cannot make different changes on both sides and get them merged together. That will be quite common with my notebooks on one hand and desktops on the other hand.

Monday, September 13th 2004, 6:50pm

Author: Martin Cracauer

How to "transport" a Desktop configuration?

Hi, is there a way to non-interactively "transport" a configuration you did on one KDE desktop to another one? Short story: I went through the trouble to configure everything I need on one computer but now I need to merge the changes to use them on a different display. Idieally, is there something like (made up command names) `kdecontrolcenter-diff` which would give me a file with all the changes I made from the default and then `kdecontrolcenter-merge` which would apply those changes. Long stor...