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Friday, May 12th 2006, 4:47pm

Author: equimax

RE: new user account - kde not running properly

Well.... solved my own problem. I copied these addtional files to my new home directory. .gtkrc.kde .xinitrc .kderc .xsession-errors .xinitrc .ICEAuthority .Xauthority iceauth.core kdeinit.core plus the /Desktop directory .xsession -> .xinitrc symlink I don't know if all this was necessary, but something in there got things working.

Wednesday, May 10th 2006, 8:15pm

Author: equimax

new user account - kde not running properly

I have KDE 3.1 running on FreeBSD 4.8. I have been using it routinely for a couple of years. I log in to my user account and type "startx" on the command line. From the shell I created a new user account. KDE still runs fine under my old user name, but will not run correctly under the new user name. When I try to run KDE from the new user account, I don't get a desktop, instead I get three windows that look like shell windows and a small fourth window that looks a little like a clock. I can log ...

Tuesday, October 26th 2004, 5:42pm

Author: equimax

SFTP fails with error encountered while talking to SSH

Thanks for the suggestion. I have confimed with the site I am trying to connect to that I am not even making it to the site. So I think our problems are different. Mine is a local internal problem and does not relate to the specific site I am trying to connect to. However, I do appreciate the time you took to make a suggestion.

Tuesday, October 26th 2004, 3:12pm

Author: equimax

SFTP fails with error encountered while talking to SSH

Using KDE 3.1 and FreeBSD 4.8 (starting KDE using startx.) When I try to connect to an SFTP site by entering SFTP:// in Konqueror, I get the error: "Error encountered while talking to SSH." Then I click on OK and get the error "Could not connect to host localhost. " This same behavior occurs when I try to connect using Kbear in SFTP mode. SFTP from the command line works fine. ******* fish is not an option for the site I need to connect to. ********* I have seen this problem described ...

Tuesday, October 26th 2004, 3:02pm

Author: equimax

Default File Permissions (umask)

Since lots of people are looking at this post, but nobody is replying, I though I would jump in and answer my own question. To set default file permissions for KDE programs, put the umask command in the .xinitrc file in your home directory. Thanks to Chris as BSDMall for this solution.

Friday, October 8th 2004, 9:38pm

Author: equimax

Default File Permissions (umask)

I'm using KDE 3.1. I have configured my shell (BASH) to new default file permissions: umask 0002. However, KDE programs like Kwrite don't pick up the new defaults. I am trying to figure out where and how to change the permissions defaults for KDE programs. I start KDE from a terminal window with startx. Is there a place in the KDE control center where default permissions can be changed, or do I need to change a configuration file? Thanks. S :roll: