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Monday, September 15th 2003, 6:06am

Author: RevDedd

How often do you visit

I'm at about one hour, once a week right now. Too much schoolwork for more. But I'm still new to this because I'm just starting with KDE. I figured that my desktop can run it because my desktop has nice specs.

Monday, September 15th 2003, 6:03am

Author: RevDedd

Can't get kphone 3.12 to compile

I would imagine that the problem is, as the configure script says, that libXext is missing. Look for an RPM for RedHat or Mandrake. They are probably easy to find if you paste the name of the missing file into a google search. It's also possible that the library simply isn't being found by your operating system, although this is a bit less likely. If you KNOW that you have LibXext, you may want to man ldconfig.

Monday, September 15th 2003, 6:00am

Author: RevDedd

Logitech wireless keyboard problem

Just a quick concurrence. I use logitech wireless kb/mouse and though I've never had random letters appear, every time there is a kb or mouse quirk, it's them to blame. Maybe try resetting the keyboard?

Monday, September 15th 2003, 5:56am

Author: RevDedd

window maximisation behaviour with regards to Kicker

Thank you very much That is much better. Now, only one issue remaining to have ideal behaviour. Is there a way to keep Kicker on top or to have the centre window only maximise to the level of Kicker, such that Kicker is always visible? I currently have it raising when I hit bottom edge. This isn't so bad. If there is no alternative, this is good enough. Thanks again.

Tuesday, September 9th 2003, 5:42am

Author: RevDedd

how to extend panel over 2 monitors?

So far as I can tell, support for that has been disabled under the new xinerama system. However, if you installed kde withough xinerama support, you should be able to do it.

Monday, September 8th 2003, 6:05am

Author: RevDedd


I think you'll have to give us a bit more information than that if you actually want help.

Monday, September 8th 2003, 6:00am

Author: RevDedd

Video Settings

It should also be noted that manually editing the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 is possible and there are several utilities (3 maybe?) that edit the xf86config for you.

Monday, September 8th 2003, 5:52am

Author: RevDedd

window maximisation behaviour with regards to Kicker

I run a trimonitor system and am slowly converting from WMaker to KDE for some things. Unfortunately, I'm getting very frustrated with manually resizing my windows in KDE to maximise them properly. When I click the maximise button, they maximise from the top of the screen, to the edges proper, but leaves a gap the height of Kicker regardless of what monitor they are on. The ideal solution for me would be to have the centre monitor (where my Kicker lives) to maximise to that size and the edges ma...