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Tuesday, July 1st 2003, 12:49pm

Author: saiph

change the background color before splash-screen

sorry it s not a binary (as i tought) but a simple script! change here tho bgk: test "$XDM_MANAGED" || bkg="-solid #ffffff" xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr $bkg i use a slack 9.0, but that starts in init 3 so, of course, u can not change (for now) the bgcolor of X from the control center.

Tuesday, July 1st 2003, 11:24am

Author: saiph

change the background color before splash-screen

i think discovered the solution! kamilla# strace startkde <- snip -> stat64(".", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0700, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0 stat64("/usr/local/sbin/xsetroot", 0xbffff770) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) stat64("/usr/local/bin/xsetroot", 0xbffff770) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) <- snip -> i suppose you need to change the binary

Friday, June 27th 2003, 9:29pm

Author: saiph

change the background color before splash-screen

no, before that there's another one, tust me: it's a very light blue background. i think maybe it's of X

Thursday, June 26th 2003, 11:23pm

Author: saiph

change the background color before splash-screen

no, i start X (and kde) when login is already done. so i dont see any login menager but only the splash-screen and this horrible background color of desktop. i'd change it in white

Tuesday, June 24th 2003, 3:48pm

Author: saiph

change the background color before splash-screen

hi, I'm tryng to change the background color of the desktop (before that kde loads the splash-screen). can anybody help me? tnx