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Friday, May 16th 2003, 5:20am

Author: NoFish

KDE 3.1.1 crashes after desktop configuration is saved.

I checked more yesterday night, but without any usable result: @JamesWilson It is not affected by any language setting. Also happens when saving without any changes made. @Rinse Started kcmshell and I get some error code concerning the X server. This seems to be a minor problem, as other programs produce similar messages, but work perfectly. I have seen that Suse 8.2 uses the /tmp directory for saving settings. I am not sure about what is going on there. Will continue ... Christoph

Thursday, May 15th 2003, 12:21pm

Author: NoFish

KDE 3.1.1 crashes after desktop configuration is saved.

So if I create a new user and login everythings is OK. Do nothing else and try to load a Look'nFeel. So you have it ! There is the problem ! In a german newsgoups I have found someone having the same desaster - no solution yet. Any idea is appreciated. Christoph

Tuesday, May 13th 2003, 6:33am

Author: NoFish

KDE 3.1.1 crashes after desktop configuration is saved.

Yesterday I again installed a new user and tried to produce this "bug" again: success. Every time I want to store or load the "Look and Feel" of the desktop environment, some endless loops start. Then I switched to console as root and looked with ps x and top what is going on. I found that every 10 sec a new process of kdeadmin started until I had 30 or so running. So I rebooted and when I logged in (as user) the strange behaviour simply continues. This is with Suse 8.2 / KDE3.1.1. I tried the s...

Monday, May 12th 2003, 11:48am

Author: NoFish

Is standard installation

Thanks for answering, No it is a standard installation. This happens with any new user I create. This evening I will make another installation on a separate HD again and try Mandrake 9.1 with KDE3.1.1. The system crashes after I do something with loading/saving the window design in the configuration manager. It looks more like an endless loop as the HD never stops operating. I will investigate and tell more tomorrow. But any idea is helpful Christoph

Monday, May 12th 2003, 7:10am

Author: NoFish

KDE 3.1.1 crashes after desktop configuration is saved.

KDE 3.1.1 crashes after configuration is saved. Hello friends, When I saved the actual configuration of the desktop under a certain name, KDE never gets back to a normal operation. Even the start window does not appear again. I see the harddisks operating, sometimes icons appear and disappear, and this is still the case after one hour or so. After stopping the X-server by CTRL-ALT-RET the Login Window appears or even not. Sometimes I get messages like : contact the developer ... Logging in as a ...