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Friday, October 19th 2007, 4:36pm

Author: basd

RE: If I select 'Set date and time automatically' then how often time servers are polled?

My opinion: Make sure the NTP client is running. In OpenSUSE this would be Yast2>Network Services>NTP Configuration. Then you need to set NTP to start automatically and select a time server (random selection would be okay). OpenSUSE does not seem to have the NTP client running by default. If you are using another system, such as Kubuntu,you will need to install and run an NTP client. Of course, I don't actually know what I am talking about. And, your message indicates that you have already selec...

Thursday, February 16th 2006, 5:04pm

Author: basd

kded crashing

I'm using SUSE 10.0 with KDE 3.5.1, but this problem has plagued me for some time. KDED constantly crashes, so I can't use the wallet and cookies don't work in Konqueror. I once temporarily solved this problem by creating a new user account -- crashing didn't happen in the new user account, but still did in the old one. (I did this because I noticed I did not get crashes when logged into the administrator account.) However, the problem came back. I suspect it has something to do with loading upd...