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Thursday, October 24th 2002, 7:21pm

Author: LinuxRaichu

Best distro for KDE

Quoted Original von dimitri Hi, Lindows is not very popular in the community. Every other Distributor provides code to the community has KDE,Gnome, Kernel or what ever developers. But not Lindows. The haven't provided a single line of code as far as I know. They only take. They had a struggle with CodeWeavers, because they changed WINE (a a API to run Windows programs) and didn't gave the code back as the GPL claims. Well new user don't know about that, but the 'old' ones do. Lindows does not w...

Wednesday, October 23rd 2002, 5:26pm

Author: LinuxRaichu


Quoted Original von seb i emailed you a couple of days ago and you still have given me no response.... huh? Sure about this? Sorry, then I didn'...OH! I C... write it to, would you? And sorry.."

Tuesday, October 22nd 2002, 12:24pm

Author: LinuxRaichu

NVIDIA GLX extension

I agree with dimitri, this is not a Prob with KDE and I think you'll find more help on the X Forum. So, this Thread is *closed*

Monday, October 21st 2002, 3:06pm

Author: LinuxRaichu

Who here loves Tux Racer ?

Sorry for the lack of updates.." So, I just PN' ed with the Admin, we are "allowed" to talk about other games as well. I see the point that we won't talk for long if we just "allow" KDE-Games. But for now, I had a good Idea, and let's see what you think about it..

Sunday, October 20th 2002, 6:21pm

Author: LinuxRaichu

Anti-Aliasing crashes on Mobility Radeon

I think this is the fault of the Driver. "Mobility Chip" often rely on the OS, like my SiS 630 or other. But give it a try with another Desk, althought really can't see why this should be a KDE-Prob.

Sunday, October 20th 2002, 6:03pm

Author: LinuxRaichu

Who here loves Tux Racer ?

hhhm..this is a good Question. The Name of this Forum is "Games&Fun"...but it is also a KDE-Forum...hhm. I'll ask the Admin about that. In the meantime, I'll leave it "as is".

Sunday, October 20th 2002, 12:37am

Author: LinuxRaichu

Why can't liquid be included in 3.1?

Quoted Scared it looks too much like (copyrighted) Aqua? Well...pherhabs. They could be aware that this could be used as a "promotion" (Like" Hey, we look like Apple, us our product!"), what could cause severe Trouble. But this is just what I think. And why they don't even include it is what I wonder of, too. But pherhabs someone responsible of the KDE-Team reads this post and could explain it to us?

Saturday, October 19th 2002, 11:52am

Author: LinuxRaichu

KOffice 1.2

hhmm..I still prefer Openoffice. It has a better GUI (in my opinion) and it handles M$ Files better. Hey, it can convert to pdf? hhm...I think I should give it a try, again.." I'm sure this will come handy.

Saturday, October 19th 2002, 11:48am

Author: LinuxRaichu

Size of Signature?

Well, someone in the "Guests?" Topic had a good point: I couldn't find ANY rule about the size of the Signature. I picked mine because 200x600 is common among the forums I visit and I thought this couldn't be wrong here. But I see, we need a common rule. So, what is the maximal size of the signature? I think it should be 200x600, because it's enough room for you Ideas, and it isn't too big either :wink: (of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that I like banners :roll: ")

Saturday, October 19th 2002, 9:07am

Author: LinuxRaichu


I think there shouldn't be the possibility to post as a Guest. I find it very irritating. What if no one knows anymore who posted this and that? What do you think?

Saturday, October 19th 2002, 8:57am

Author: LinuxRaichu


The Email is on it's way How does it look, and are there rpms?

Saturday, October 19th 2002, 8:49am

Author: LinuxRaichu

Promoting the form on the kde news :?:

I don't see why the number of Forums should be trimmed down. But I also think that we shoulld promote this Forum wherever possible. I mean, hey, we got an official Forum now, so we should be bursting of users by the end of the week..

Saturday, October 19th 2002, 8:36am

Author: LinuxRaichu

SKY icons

So, I just installed it and I have to say that they look really good. I must also agree that the penguin has something "disturbing", pherhabs it's this "huh?" look of his eyes? The Icons don't look..well...refreshing. You could make the Folder-Icons a lillte bit more 3D, and so the other Icons, too. The Mozilla-Icon looks really flat, and I think you should make a Icon for the Control Center. Conclusion: Try to make them look a little bit "fresher". But they are very good by now. I'll use them f...

Friday, October 18th 2002, 7:41pm

Author: LinuxRaichu

Parsec comes October/November

THIS looks VERY interesting... especially from the Linux side of view! THIS is something Linux really needs. Althought there is a Windows-Port, I´m sure that most of the Windows-User would be impressed to see that running on Linux...

Friday, October 18th 2002, 7:06pm

Author: LinuxRaichu

New liquid stuff

Well..I think it´s good for everyone to have the possibility to "emulate" the look of an existing OS. This makes it very easy for someone who just switched. On the other hand, I agree that this shouldn´t be the only solution. But since KDE is VERY costumizable, who cares?

Friday, October 18th 2002, 4:34pm

Author: LinuxRaichu

Kopete 0.5 Released

hihi..This is some funny news, at last. Pherhaps I'll try Kopete some time, but I think I'd rather use GAIM for AIM and JAVA-ICQ for ICQ....