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Tuesday, March 18th 2008, 2:10pm

Author: Burillo

ati radeon x1600 help

there are plenty knowledgeable and skilled dudes in the community - skilled enough to write a driver, but ATi is in no hurry releasing the specifications of it's gcards. And without knowing how exactly does it work no one is able to write any driver...

Saturday, March 15th 2008, 10:21am

Author: Burillo

ati radeon x1600 help

well, the prices are cheap 'cos the production cost is cheap :-))) 50 years ago computers were waaaaay more expensive and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less efficient... 20 years ago computers were also incredibly fast, and the famous Bill Gates' "640k should be enough for everyone" looks especially funny now, when we have computers that are gazillion times faster than those used to control the flight to the Moon and we complain about lagging text editor...

Monday, March 10th 2008, 6:10am

Author: Burillo

ati radeon x1600 help

i would if i could - my laptop ain't new, it's my bros so i didn't have much of a choice here...)))

Sunday, March 9th 2008, 7:09am

Author: Burillo

ati radeon x1600 help

blame it on ATi :-))) we're lucky they support linux at all - few years back none of the new ATi gcards ever worked - only older crap... Something tells me they won't upgrade their driver to support direct rendering, so no 3d-effects and games on this one.

Friday, February 22nd 2008, 6:02am

Author: Burillo

ati radeon x1600 help

if you're talking about ATi Mobility x1600/x2500 which is what i myself got - it works. Not perfectly though, no direct rendering (so no compiz) but at least i have a full resolution.

Tuesday, February 19th 2008, 9:44pm

Author: Burillo

RE: New Install - Unable to log on

i had this issue, strangely enough it appeared after i installed some packages related to iPod management. try ctrl+alt+F1 (switch into console), login, do apt-cache search for ipod stuff (just type "apt-cache search ipod") and then "sudo apt-get remove ..." with every package you will find in the list (e. g. "sudo apt-get remove ipod ipodlib libgtkpod..."). hope this helps.

Tuesday, February 19th 2008, 9:39pm

Author: Burillo

RE: Switching layouts in KDE 3.5.8

maybe it's not the case, but this is how i made for myself - i assigned "XkbLayouts" to "us,ru", "XkbVariants" to ",winkeys", "XkbOptions" to "grp:alt_shift_toggle" (to be able to switch with alt-shift, i'm a Windows refugee :-))) and install kxneur (automatic layout switcher) and set it to manual mode (so it doesn't switch but still shows what layout i have right now). Try it, could prove useful. EDIT oh and turned off KDE native layout switching (since ctl+alt+something is not exactly what i a...

Tuesday, February 19th 2008, 9:29pm

Author: Burillo

RE: ati radeon x1600 help

just edit xorg.conf to go back to vesa and then reinstall the driver... if you use ubuntu - sudo apt-get reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx && sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg if some other - go to ATI site, download their package, install it and then tweak xorg.conf EDIT oh and if you're using ubuntu - you can install "restricted drivers manager" which will do everything for you

Tuesday, February 19th 2008, 9:23pm

Author: Burillo

RE: Adding dynamic context menu

I'm having the same issue and would like to report about the problem in a more readable form than the previous post :-)) I'm running Kubuntu 7.10 with KDE 4 on top of it. As you might know, KDE 4 uses Dolphin for file management by default. Under KDE 3 i was able to add additional actions to the context menu by adding ".desktop" files to the "/usr/share/apps/dolphin/servicemenus" (or somewhere else, i don't remember). It works flawlessly under KDE 3.x but it does not work in Dolphin for KDE 4. A...