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Thursday, June 22nd 2006, 1:36pm

Author: gandalf100

RE: i couldnt find a pager applet

i could find the pager applet now - it is - applet -> ........ pager for the knotes i still have to try. thank you for helping, gandalf

Monday, June 12th 2006, 8:22pm

Author: gandalf100

i couldnt find a pager applet

i couldnt find a pager applet. also i know that i can open knotes - the problem is, when i close it, i cant find it on the taskbar or anywhere else anymore.

Thursday, June 8th 2006, 5:23pm

Author: gandalf100

Change Desktops App and Knote - lost

Hello! I was changing in the controllcenter some things and then i couldn´t find the Application which changes between the 4 desktops in the taskbar. I also lost my knotes - i could find a textfile in /home/xx/.kde.. where the content is still there but i cant find the notes on my taskbar anymor. Also i can´t find the notes, when i create new ones and i can´t find properties in knotes to fix that. please help me.