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Search results 1-20 of 20.

Monday, August 30th 2004, 11:44am

Author: blu fire

Query default mp3 player

Will it query KDE's database of programs and their associates or Gnome's one if its run on Gnome?

Friday, August 27th 2004, 12:22pm

Author: blu fire

Query default mp3 player

Can krun.h be used on Gnome if KDE is installed?

Friday, August 27th 2004, 11:25am

Author: blu fire

Segmentation fault

I just read the "tray icon" post and someone had a similar problem. It was suggested using KApplication instead of QApplication. Did that, and the program compiled but complained it was missing KCmdLineArgs::init(). Added all that information and it compiled and worked fine

Friday, August 27th 2004, 11:12am

Author: blu fire

Segmentation fault

Commenting out everything there stops the segmentation fault.

Thursday, August 26th 2004, 8:34pm

Author: blu fire

Segmentation fault

I have the following code: Source code 1 2 3 4 5 void Window::init() { watch = new KDirWatch(0, "sprite"); watch->addFile("../shared/position.dat"); connect(watch, SIGNAL(dirty(const QString &)), this, SLOT(filedirty(const QString &))); } For some reason this compiles but causes a segmentation fault. I have exactly the same code in another file but it works fine. Any ideas?

Thursday, August 26th 2004, 9:50am

Author: blu fire

Kdevelop splash screen finishes loading then program crashes

Hmm maybe. I just changed users and it worked, so we'll never know (What I am getting now is a SIGSEV whenever I exit KDevelop. Might see if I can patch that up, something must be up with the close event)

Wednesday, August 25th 2004, 1:29am

Author: blu fire

Kdevelop splash screen finishes loading then program crashes

I kept on getting an error with Kdevelop 3.0 when I tried using it. While the splash screen was up I would get a message box "The specified folder does not exist or was not readable". Then Kdevelop would show and the progress bar would reach 100%. Then the program would crash. I thought the "Specified folder does not exist ..." might be referring to to ~/.kde/share/apps/kdevelop, but that and all files under it are fully writable and readable. I just compiled Kdevelop 3.1 to see if the problem w...

Tuesday, August 24th 2004, 11:33pm

Author: blu fire

Kapplication generates linker error, QApplication doesn't

Hmm, anyone know why this is happening? If I use kapplication.h and call KApplication app(argc, argv) I get a linker error (error below). If I replace those two k's with q then I don't get the error.... I'm trying to port a Windows program to KDE/Linux, so i'm hoping to use the kde specific stuff Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 kgmail.o(.text+0x308): In function `main': : undefined reference to `KApplication::KApplication[in-charge](bool, bool)' kgmail.o(.text+0x329): In function `main': : undefined...

Tuesday, August 24th 2004, 3:05am

Author: blu fire

Liquid theme (mdk) rpm not working

I just installed the liquid theme rpm for mandrake: [code:1][root@localhost Downloads]# rpm -ivh kdemoreartwork-liquid-0.9.6-0.pre4.3mdk.i586.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:kdemoreartwork-liquid ########################################### [100%][/code:1] Without problems. But I go to Look'n'Feel -> style liquid is not displayed... Whats wrong (I tried using a lower version, same problem)?[/code]

Sunday, July 18th 2004, 12:08pm

Author: blu fire

Virtual desktops disappeared

I just want to get them back, as they've disappeared. I can't multitask on just one desktop.. I've tried so many things, I just cant find a way to get them back. I might just create a new user and copy my home folder over.

Thursday, July 15th 2004, 9:49pm

Author: blu fire

Virtual desktops disappeared

Does anyone know a way to retrieve my virtual desktops? I tried some form of karamba theme and now they're gone. Thanks

Thursday, July 15th 2004, 8:24pm

Author: blu fire

Transparent program panels/ (if thats what they're called)

I've been looking for a while, but I haven't found anywhere which says how to get transparent panels for open programs. I'm not sure what they're called. For example, if you have a webbrowser open on a page with a title of "hello", its the little rectangular icon in the menu with the words "hello" on it. How do I make these 'panels' transparent? Thanks

Tuesday, July 13th 2004, 2:35pm

Author: blu fire

KDevelop (Gideon) vs. KDEStudio?

You could always try Anjuta if you don't like Kdevelop. I've been using Kwrite recently, as I haven't had any major projects to work on. When I big projects arise they're normally GUI related anyway, so I just use Qt. I like Kdevelop, even though I don't use it to much, and I haven't experienced some of the errors i've heard people encounter with it. Not exactly related to this post, but where should I go to see if there are any small KDE applications that are in need of developers? I want to gi...

Saturday, July 10th 2004, 1:14pm

Author: blu fire

Where does Component Chooser save its settings?

In System > Configuration > KDE > Components > Component Chooser, I have the option of choosing the default email client used by Konqueror. I'm trying to locate the file where this information is stored. For example, I set the client to a long string which wouldn't exist anywhere else on the system, and trying grepping for it. An hour or two later, I closed the terminal by accident :oops:.. Does anyone know where this information is saved? Thanks

Monday, July 5th 2004, 4:47pm

Author: blu fire

Names of variables Konqueror passes to the default email client

Having just got a Gmail account I thought i'd make a Linux port of Gmailto, which associates all mailto links with Gmail, opening the Gmail compose window. My program works fine with Mozilla and Firefox, using mozex to allow the user to choose what program to associate mail with. I easily found the variables passed (%s for subject, %a for email-to, etc) to the given program, allowing you to form a command to be executed whenever the mailto link is clicked. I'm trying to do the same thing with ko...

Sunday, May 30th 2004, 11:40pm

Author: blu fire error - out of the blue

Wuhoo!! Wysota, you are just amazing. Thank you so much, I was really getting worried.

Sunday, May 30th 2004, 11:22pm

Author: blu fire error - out of the blue

Recently i've encountered an error, but not in the same place that most other people encounter it. I've made a few programs for qt, one of which is an editor which I use every day (don't like waiting for gedit to open up :p). I used it a couple of hours ago and it worked fine. I played with blender a bit, installed Xmms and then tried to use it. It didn't work. I try opening some other programs I created with Qt - same error: ./Editor: error while loading shared libraries: cannot ...