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Tuesday, October 3rd 2006, 7:08pm

Author: Arcasa

[Kopete] I got another one!

New bug. Though I suppose this will be called a "feature" by some. Righty... In the Old Days... The Kopete skin "Clear" was popular because of 2 things: 1. It was transparent... Meaning you can have your own background colours. 2. The Display Pictures had NO BORDERS around... Making the DP blend seamlessly into the conversation. I loved it. Yet now with the 0.12.2 release... They put a border around OUR DP! Not around the person you're chatting to's DP. It totally ruins half of the reasoning to ...

Monday, October 2nd 2006, 11:24pm

Author: Arcasa

Is this a bug then? (I woulda sent this into the Bugs page of But the link was broken.

Well... Aside from the anti-connectivity side of Kopete... I found this little nugget. I'm running version 12. whatever-it-is... Basically the new one. Anyway -…mgAnch=imgAnch1 Now after finding that I wonder... If Kopete is an open source program, designed for Linux... Why are Display Pictures only shown from contacts using closed source clients? Surely I should be able to see fellow Linuxians Display Pictures? Well... I guess it's another hole in the Sw...

Saturday, September 30th 2006, 12:38am

Author: Arcasa

Kopete is the best messenger Klient... But also the worst!

Quoted Originally posted by bram85 See this post I just wrote. And the relevanKe is where? Also I was literally howling with laughter and falling over myself as I typed in exKessive K's. I swear it to be the funniest oKKurence this millenia. Definately some fun. On another note, I was being as KonstruKtive as I Kan. At least as KonstruKtive as one can be when desKribing an appliKation that fails 60% of the time due to poor Kode. . . . But wait, Just to be KonstruKtive, I'm going to re-read all ...

Thursday, September 28th 2006, 9:43pm

Author: Arcasa

Kopete is the best messenger Klient... But also the worst!

I mean it! Any other Klient worKs well and Konnects to all my Kontacts all the time. But no features. Using Kopete is the exaKt opposite: I have all the features in the world and I love it. It's just too temporary. One moment you Kan be talKing to a friend then... OMFG LOL! Your messages aren't sending and you get people Komplaining in bulK that they Kan never Kontact you and what a horrid person you are. So my only real want from Kopete is that they re-write their Kode. MaKe it aKtually worK. S...