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Thursday, June 21st 2007, 3:57pm

Author: pau

mail notificator with headers??

Hi, I am migrating from gnome to KDE and I a missing a very important programme: gnubiff gnubiff is able to pop up a window for some 6 seconds with the headers of the emails: From and Subject This is very convenient because this way I can quickly know whether the emails are important or not and so I can resume work of check the emails. Neither kbiff nor korn have this capability and I wonder whether there is some other programme in KDE for this purpose. Don't tell me to just keep on using gnubif...

Wednesday, January 3rd 2007, 10:10pm

Author: pau

how can I change the default kick main menu icon?

Hi, I don't have anything against the "K" in the kicker but since this is free software and open, I would like to know how can I change that "K" with a png (jpg or whatever) of my choice... any hint? thanks a lot! I mean this icon: