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Thursday, April 15th 2004, 2:49pm

Author: Panzerfaust

Sound is really quiet

God I'm stupid :roll: I forgot all about KMix, indeed that was the problem!

Wednesday, April 7th 2004, 10:23pm

Author: Panzerfaust

No sound when playing audio CD (MDK 10.0, KDE 3.2)

Hello, I'm using Mandrake 10.0 Community with KDE 3.2. When I try to play an audio cd (kscd or xmms), it plays it, but there is no sound. I fiddled around with the audio wires in my computer but it doesn't seem to be a hardware problem. I'm using a Creative Labs SBLive! audio card. Thanks in advance.

Wednesday, April 7th 2004, 7:32pm

Author: Panzerfaust

Some problems about Kopete

I tried changing the "send message" key to Enter, but when I went to "Settings" - "Configure Shortcuts", there was no shortcut for "Send message". I then entered "Return" as the shortcut for "Send message", but CTRL-Enter was still the active shortcut.

Wednesday, April 7th 2004, 7:30pm

Author: Panzerfaust

[Kopete] font problems

Hi, I changed the "base font" to Helvetica in the Kopete preferences, but the messages still appear in the font Sans. Could anyone explani how I can change that? The Kopete help file isn't much help to me Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, April 7th 2004, 7:25pm

Author: Panzerfaust

Sound is really quiet

Hello, I'm using Mandrake 10.0 Community with a Creatlive Labs SB Live! audio card. The problem is that the volume is really, really low. To reach an acceptable listening volume, I have to put the volume level on my surround system on "30", whereas normally (in Windows) I listen at volume "7". I tried changing it, but I can't seem to find a "system volume", like Windows has. My apologies for my n00bness Thanks in advance!