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Thursday, February 20th 2003, 11:41pm

Author: EUtopian

Microsoft not so bad

I think Microsoft is an impressive company, with an amazing management and PR organization -- as well as many talented developers. They have been naughty from time to time, but the main objective of a business is to make money. Microsoft had no way of knowing where the line is drawn until the government, several years too late, started getting involved and questioning its actions. Microsoft is also in a position where it has so many users that maintaining backwards compatibility is perhaps the b...

Tuesday, February 18th 2003, 8:36pm

Author: EUtopian

KMixer forgets settings

I have an additional question about KMixer. Each time I reboot I have to mute one of the mic inputs, to avoid noise. Despite the fact that I save these settings in KMixer, it appears to forget it every time I reboot. Any ideas?

Tuesday, February 18th 2003, 3:06pm

Author: EUtopian

Misc sound problems

I have the following sound problems: 1) KMixer's volume control in the taskbar doesn't appear to control my volume, but some other slider instead. Can I specify which mixer slider it should correspond to so that I can use it like a volume control, like intended? I do know which slider in KMixer works for setting the volume. 2) Sometimes after having played MP3s in XMMS, sound in the rest of KDE stops and it goes silent (sounds for system events like opening and closing windows, etc). Why? 3) I g...

Tuesday, February 18th 2003, 11:36am

Author: EUtopian


Mandrake always locked up on me during the installation process. I gave up on it and use Vector Linux ( now, works great!