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Thursday, October 2nd 2003, 2:06pm

Author: chinmay

startkde and restore settings

Hello, I think I've messed up KDE somehow, but not bad enough to reinstall. I unplugged my tv tuner too late, while Mandrake 9.1's bootup was checking for new hardware (because the tuner causes that part of just stay stuck there) and then shutdown and rebooted before the bootup had finished (I know that was bad). Anyway, now whenever I login I only get a console, even if I pick KDE from the desktop environment options. I have to "startkde" to get it to load and I've tried making an .xsession and...

Sunday, September 21st 2003, 8:20pm

Author: chinmay

Lock Screen Image

Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to change the lock screen (Mandrake 9.1) so that it would show an image instead of a black screen (which is what its doing right now)? Thanks. Chinmay

Monday, September 15th 2003, 9:05pm

Author: chinmay

KMenu Icon

Hello, I recently installed Mandrake 9.1 and it replaced the default KDE main menu icon with Mandrake's little star. I would like to change it back. I've searched the forums but none of the other posted solutions work, namely: I don't have a ~/.kde/share/icons directory and I don't know where Mandrake stores the image for the Main Menu. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Chinmay